Announcement – ver.2.5 Online


For those who haven’t read or visited my blog before the beginning of 2011, then, you won’t know what my site looked like before hand, but for those who have, I’m quite excited to say that my 2nd and a half site layout for gochisou-deshita (my blog) is up! (Despite not just doing a complete revamp less than 6 months ago) There are some big and many minor changes to the site layout, (which are listed below) and as always, there are still little tweaks here and there that’ll be corrected over time.

Complete re-organisation of Homepage
Modifications of categories and tags and fonts and “colour scheme”
Relocation of navigation buttons and a universal sidebar
More detailed info in my “About” and “Contact” pages
Added “Gallery” feature to pages with signifigant numbers of photos.
Installed the jQuery Lightbox plug-in.

Still yet to be:
Various post corrections, and error fixing
Addition of links to blogroll
Social integration
Additional/completion of “Contact” page.

Known Issues
Posts before December 2009 are uncategorised
Posts before July 2010 may have invalid links
Posts before January 2011 may not be so accepting of these minor site changes and thus errors exist for some posts.

If you have any opinions or suggestions about this new site layout, please leave a comment below, or send me an e-mail at unmei_no_haguruma(at)


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