Grrr… Science and Maths study is boring and annoying…

So, today was my Food Tech Yearly Exam… Eheh. Yeah… I’m sure I’ll get at least 70% for it… Although if it is higher than 70%, its not much higher… Anyway, I’ve got my Science Yearly Exam tomorrow… I’m not going to do well in that… I’ll probably be spending tonight studying for it, and tomorrow morning through first period as I have already done all the work for Graphics Tech. That time should help me a bit hopefully… After that, tomorrow, I’ll be spending quite a bit of my time doing maths study for my yearly exam on Friday… 😥 I want to do really well in maths this year, which means study… Fun fun… Not much else to write about I think… Well, for now at least. I leave you today with a plane that gets totally pwned, another plane crash that just seems impossible that you have to feel sorry for those on board, and that poor B-52 bomber at an airshow… All videos from Youtube!

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