Haha! First day of November! Only two months of the year to go, meaning we are 5/6ths the way through this year! According to Wikipedia, it is National Day in Algeria, Independence Day in Antigua and Barbuda, All Saints’ Day in Catholicism and it is World Vegan Day! Also, on this day in 1755, an earthquake measured at an estimated 9 on the Richter scale, and subsequent tsunamis almost wiped out the Portuguese Capital city of Lisbon! Heh, to me nothing else that interesting happened in History today… Speaking of earthquakes, my science teacher is weird… (not the good weird unfortunately… well, to me anyway…)
Well, glad I had my maths test over yesterday. I hope I did well. I don’t think coffee helps… Despite the fact I got marks around 90% the last two tests I’ve had coffee, It may have just been because I was able to do the questions… When I started yesterday’s test, well pretty much all of my tests, I felt rather unconfident… The caffeine in the coffee may have been “a little too much for me”? My hand kept on jitterring for the first hour of the test. It got really annoying, and it was hard to write “neat” with my already fairly messy writing. (It’s not that messy compared to other people’s) Well, when we get our results probably around 9 days time, possibly earlier, I shall see if I had beat that egotistic Will with his high confidence that he’ll beat me again… Now all I have is History and Graphics Tech! =D
You may be wondering about this post’s title… Perhaps you’re not. I don’t care… But anyway, today I had to go to a training session because I was accepted by a company to work for them. Boring time listening to OHS stuff… But anyway, when it came round to presenting the name badge stuff, they spelt my name “Rodger”. GAH! That’s not even the “common” spelling of “Roger”! Surprisingly, it happens to me quite a few times actually. I had it when I was given my name tag in kindergarten, when I want to a drawing school, when I won an award at one of my old schools, the hand written certificate thingy had my name spelt with a “d”… Grr… Don’t they know Roger Ramjet and all those cartoony things?!
Also added a how I rate stuff in the “About my Blog” section…
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