Meh, I can’t be bothered trying to create some witty or creative title for this blog post…

Hahaha! Daniel’s so stupid! Well, he’s not stupid enough to get shoes thrown at him yet… (Or maybe he is… Hmm…) But heh. Everyone likes passing “notes” via digital calculators, to the person who you like, discretely during maths lessons! Well, how else do you ask someone out eh? Okay, if you thought for a minute that Daniel asked Georgia out via a calculator, no, that’s not what happened. (and Daniel, if you ever read my blog, although it may be your way of asking someone out, don’t do that… I’m fairly sure that is not the proper way to ask someone out. Even I have no experience in doing that, I’m sure if you have enough logic, you’d be able to figure that one out.) Heh, well, we shall see what happens to Daniel in terms of relations between us and others, along what life will be like with out Daniel soon enough…

So, Cameron has surprisingly been reading my blog recently. *waves to Cameron* He read my post about how my computer recently died. (See: DDR = Computerless for at least 2 days!) Heh. He plays DDR, and so when he first saw it, he thought DDR stood for “Dance Dance Revolution”, thus, at first, he thought that “Dance Dance Revolution” left me computerless. Although thankfully, HE ACTUALLY READ MY POST. *cough* DANIEL *cough*… Ohh dear… Oh, and also, a message to Matthias: HURRY UP AND VISIT MY BLOG! EVEN CAMERON’S VISITED IT AND HE LIVES IN A HOLE! Yes, yes, now… I’m sorry but I have to do this since it just happened to me when I was writing this. YOU LOST THE GAME! Hehe, funny how I speak in past tense…

So… Hooray for my pointless and utterly unexciting blog! I wonder how many of you actually follow along with my posts about my life and my thoughts of others around me. Heh, well, at least it makes me feel special =). Anyway, I’m feeling unusually tired today and so I’m off, and leave you with something related to that, of which I learned last week on Monday about crosswinds. (Birds cannot fly into 30 knot headwinds or crosswinds. They just begin to fall. So how does a car handle crosswinds from a 747’s Jet engine at full thrust?)

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