Who cares about Obama’s inauguration as the 44th President of the United States! I was over at Bayden’s place while that was going on! I learnt a few things while I was over there, primarily the fact that I fail when it comes to bikes… Along with the fact that Bayden has an awesome pantry, and that my Creative ZEN Stone Travelsound has surprisingly good speakers. But other things that I already knew were reinforced, such at how making fun of people is fun, Creative is awesome, the iPod is not as great as my ZEN, and that dogs can be a tad annoying, but nevertheless cute and fun =P.
I’m not a dog person, but I’m alright with dogs. A few years ago, I never really liked dogs that much, thinking they’d maul you and all that XD, but these days, I’m relatively fine with dogs. Last time, I was at a friends place with a dog, they’re dog kinda slobbered over my pants… Thankfully, this didn’t happen at Bayden’s place, but since there was an oncoming storm, the dogs kinda became a pain when we were trying to sleep… It’s funny how when you go to a sleepover, often, you don’t get much sleep… 5 hours was our grand total, for me, one of my lowest hours of sleep in my life, but not the lowest.
Bayden’s party had cheese! Ha! Daniel, learn! Cheese = Awesome. But no, you didn’t seem to know that when we went over to your little sleep over thing! Hopefully there will be some cheese on Friday for your little “farewell” thing which you seem to say that barely anyone seems to be going to. Well, you people have fun, I’m off to pick up my Creative ZEN Vision:M now. Woo, hot day today. Ice Cream! =D
Hey roger!!!
And to stop futher arguments…
Cheese=awesome (i had a cheese sandwhich for lunch yesterday:)
Ipod= same awesomness as your zen
Im not going to comment on the bike thingy….
Dogs=tad very annoying when they wont get out of your tent…..
Im bored…