Woo! The day draws closer! There’s only 7 more days before the release of the highly anticipated third season of Higurashi no naku koro ni Rei! Woo! One week! Yes! Awesome! It’s gonna be legen- wait for it… -dary! Yeah! Haha! (Just you wait for my reaction when Rei is released!) Now speaking of Anime, I’m trying to “power through” a few series that I have backed up on my watch list. I’ve just finished Elfen Lied and am on final approach to well… Final Approach… with one episode to go. I’ve also finally resumed watching Soul Eater, and I hope to catch up to episode 51 once the release date for that comes along. I should be able to get a start on xxxHolic soon, and begin Cowboy Bebop and The Melancholy of Huruhi Suzumiya soon as well.
So I hear that Daniel’s arrived safely. That’s certainly good to know. His flight was the one in eight from the looks of it, and he seems to have enjoyed his Air France flight much better than Qantas. He’s been keeping his blog relatively upto date which is good, and I would not be surprised if he gets a lot more regular viewers than I do. I haven’t mentioned, nor have I seen Toby for a while, and I did manage to see him today. He seems to be doing well, and is enjoying his life without us; his friends… XD Tehe, but no, it was good to see him and to know that he’s still alive…
Food Tech… *sigh* Glorious Food Tech. I know Nick and Ethan and Martin never read my blog, but meh. Whatever, I don’t normally mention about my blog to people around me, that’s why I’m so surprised whenever I find that people (Matthias, Cameron, Bayden, Thomas, Hursh, Daniel, etc) read my blog. So, the last few things we made in Food Tech were largely uneventful, and because Nick, Ethan and I are in the same maths class, I’ve been sitting with them, but I think I may move away now. Muahahaha!
Oh yeah, so I’ve handed in my drawing for Graphics Tech yesterday, along with the other nine people in my Graphics Tech class… My teacher is certainly a little strange in his ways of communicating with students, and strange in terms of the little bottle of metho that he carries around in his top pocket… As for what marks we may get, I would have very little idea… Shall be interesting for us all… We may get results back by tomorrow, which shall be quite the interesting.
Science… That was a stupid assignment. That was due today. I had done all the work last night… Great of me to do everything last minute eh? Procrastination takes over. Well, the good news is, I managed to hand it in today, on time, despite our school’s printers not quite working or something(?) and with my printer out of action. (Thanks Thomas!) That model of DNA I made was fail. I will say that it was not as fail as some of the other people’s model, but mine was still fail. I’ll show you my fail picture of it when I can as well!
English Assessment on Friday, two days time… Wow, all these assessments already. Absolute fun. Am awaiting results…
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