So, with 2009 over, and hello to 2010, it’s only appropriate to do a little self-achievement post for myself… Along with some depressing number crunching… Back when I had a page dedicated to “goals for 2009”, I wanted to have at least $3000 saved up… Yeah… I’m way off… I never really sustained a balance pass $2000… Even now… it’s not there… So, that was a fail… Anyway, so listing time! Anything in red represents a “fail” as I did not achieve the goal. Remember that this list was developed pretty much the day it was made in January last year and many things on this list probably would be different.
As from my “goals for 2009”:
Movies: Yes Man, Seven Pounds, Madagascar 2, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Ghost Town, Dragonball, Star Trek, Angels and Demons, I Love You Man, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Funny People, Astro Boy, 2012
TV Shows: Lost – Season 5 , Fringe – Season 1 , The Mentalist – Season 1, How I Met Your Mother – Season 4, Air Crash Investigations – Season 5, How I Met Your Mother – Season 5, Flashforward – Season 1, Stargate Universe – Season 1, The Mentalist – Season 2
Anime: Higurashi no naku koro ni Rei, Umineko no naku koro ni, Elfen Lied, Code Geass, Kanon (2006), The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Shakugan no Shana, Mobile Suit Gundam 00.
What I Plan To Buy: Higurashi: When They Cry Graphic Novels, When They Cry: Higurashi DVD Box Set (Because you can’t), A new Portable Media Player, A new shiny looking phone, Japanese Dictionaries, Portable Hard Drive, A Domain name.
Misc. Fold 1000 paper cranes, Put those Japanese Dictionaries to use, Get good results for school (Sorta), Remember the full Periodic Table of Elements, Go to Animania, Sydney in September.
Blog Stats
Number of hits – 2519! (Do I visit my own blog that much? XD)
Total number of blog post entries – 138
Most viewed Page – Atlantis – Dubai’s Newest Attraction – 105 views
My 3 most expensive single purchases of 2009
– Ultimate Ears Super.Fi 5 Extended Bass Earphones (July)- $245
– Creative ZEN Vision:M (January) – $199
– Creative ZEN X-fi (June) – $185
Money spent over Holidays:
Summer: $590
Autumn: $520
Winter: $550
Spring: $300
Okay, so those stats aren’t really that interesting were they…? Nah didn’t think so… I was kinda dissapointed… Anyway, here was the year of 2009 for me in a month by month kind of nutshell thing!
I welcomed in the new year by finishing Chaos;Head… wow… What a bad way to start… Maybe that’s why I didn’t watch that much anime this year… I got super psyched at this Creative “Zii” chip and how it would “change everything I knew”. By the time CES 2009 came round, I was dissapointed… I bought my Japanese Dictionaries, along with a ZEN Vision:M to help me watch my anime on… I discovered online shopping at that point… Ordered my first volume of Higurashi manga! Haha, Tom and Bayden had their go at trying to create blogs… Certainly a “commitment” issue… US Airways 1549 (An Airbus A320!) Lands in the Hudson! No-one hurt. Amazing!
HIGURASHI NO NAKU KORO NI REI!!! My first “Rambling” post, and boy did that stir an argument between Bayden, Nick and I… Daniel left for Germany on a Black Friday… (Wow? Really? Only that long ago?) I wrote him a nice farewell message too that certainly wished him the best… ETHAN ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING IN FOOD TECH!! I had the “Song of Jigglypuff” in my head for a while… Which led to a short phase of Pokemon music…
Had a lot of work to do in March, yet I still managed 13 blog posts… I officially launched my Anime Blog… Spent a lot of time researching about mp3 players as my aging ZEN’s right button didn’t respond properly. I met a Bakugan crazy spoiled brat. Not all that happy with “Lie to me”… The “Sped” moniker began to catch on for poor Nick… I realise that my goal of $3000 was unreachable… even back then… It rained Macs for a day… Then, we were off to Tasmania!
I loose my Sennheisser CX-300 II earphones, along with my ZEN Stone… They were somewhat a depressing factor into what was an awesome trip… I love public holiday pay rates. Nick needs to learn how to count… I spend a good $2o not getting a plush huskie at the Easter Show… “The Boat…” really “rocked”! Dragonball was fail though… Procrastination is bad…
Swine Flu… I get really mad at Haruhi Suzumiya… So I force myself to place Haruhi on first-priority… LAZOR TAGZORS! Lost Season 5 was awesome, and The Menatalist impressed me a lot. 5 episodes into Haruhi and I confirmed my suspisions that Haruhi Suzumiya IS A FREAKING ANNOYING CHARACTER… Why the hell do people like her??? My test results were rather dissapointing for my standard… EPSIODE 2 OF HIGURASHI REI!!! =D=D=D LED backlit TVs are awesome! I finish Haruhi… and the series was very much enjoyable… as long as I could hold back my want to punch Haruhi in the face…
Poker begins taking a bigger role in my social life… Air France has a crash that was the first ever loss of life on an Airbus A330/A340 aircraft… “The Corny Paper” is left to collect dust for a year… I begin to really stress about what my mp3 player of choice should be… MORE HIGURASHI REI!!! YEAH! RIKA GET’S ANGRY!!!!! <3<3<3<3! I recieve my shiny ZEN X-fi! My blog officially turns One Year Old on the 13th! Hugh gets himself a Cowon S9. Umineko no naku koro ni is official! R.I.P Micheal Jackson…
UMINEKO NO NAKU KORO NI!!! We visited the Good Food and Show. Creative announces the Zii EGG!! I wanted so much!!!! “Bruno” was… “… … …” Mmmm… Dr Pepper and Jelly Bellys!!! ‘Cept some of the Jelly Bellys… I place my order for my Audio equipment stuffs… Down $500…. After much annoyance to my friends… Aww… *cries* Kanon!!!!!='( So beautiful…
Mangroves. Our first Anime Convention! “Smash!” was awesome!!! Free Gundam is good. I rewatch some good ol’ Stargate Atlantis… I listen to the Umineko OP a lot… Geography is easy when your teacher gives answers duing the test. Umineko is still awesome. I am an idiot, and deserve to be “stoned”. Brad Pitt is pro at Italian.
Big month in Tech for me… lots of new shinies! Animania was awesome too! Not as good as “Smash!” but nonetheless, fun! Nick “St-pwned” me good… Apple continues to monopolise the mp3 market. Zune HD’s offer stiff competition, and look really shiny! I wouldn’t mind me an Archos 5 Android either… *sigh* The Era of Higurashi is over, with the last episode of Rei. (WHICH WAS HILARIOUS! Ah… <3 Rena) Facebook lied to me…
Huzzah! Lots of people hated Endless Eight therefore they should have hated Haruhi at the time! CANAAN was fun! And Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood has been awesome! And yet… Haruhi can’t help but taunt me still… Yeah, holidays resulted in Poker and lots of procrastination… Somehow ‘minimal’ money spendature… Which was surprising, and good. ‘cept I spent a lot more earlier…
Yeah, I know, I didn’t do very well in my tests for my standard and all that… Lots of people lose money (including me) on Melbourne Cup day… The new seasons of TV started off nicely. Once again, I remained very indecisive as to which mp3 player I should buy… And wasted a lot of time doing that too…
I got rather lazy with my blog as many other things began to happen those few months… I developed obnoxiousness-ness and was too lazy even to watch Anime! So instead, I just hing round Facebook, read a lot about Tech news, and sat and did nothing for most of the time… It was boring, and a waste of time… I knew that as I was doing it… but for some reason…
Anyway, that was 2009 for me in a very simplified manner… All leeched off blog posts throughout the year cos I have a terrible memory… Hope you had a great 2009 too!
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