AMV Recommendation – “Fluffy Kittens & Rainbows” by Chiikaboom

Now, had this AMV won an award, it would have gotten a mention back in my reap up of the Viewers Choice Awards of 2010 for but I thought it was crazy enough to get a mention as a separate blog post. The AMV was nominated for EIGHT awards though, such as ‘Best Action Video’, ‘Best Fun Video’, ‘Best Parody Video’, ‘Best Use of Lip Synch’, ‘Best Use of Multiple Anime’, ‘Best Use of Special Effects’, ‘Most Artistic Video’ and of course, ‘Video of the Year’. I thought it was deserving of at least one of these awards, and I was rooting for it to win ‘Video of the Year’. The editor “Chiikaboom” was also nominated for Editor of the Year, with addition to another video of his that also was nominated for many awards, titled “Chronicles Of The OCD Goth Cowboy Jesus Future Overlord” which is another interesting title that is very appropriate for “Death the Kid’s” (Soul Eater) character…

“Fluffy Kittens & Rainbows” is certainly a misleading title… It’s a crazy ass AMV with seizure causing flashiness, and moe-shoujo-ness that could cause rivers of blood flowing from an otaku’s nose. It’s no soft, slow moving character profiling AMV retelling a teary love story, nor is it an insanely hardcore action with explosions and guns AMV… It is a collaboration of the reason why otaku’s love watching anime… Girls… What else would it be? This AMV reminds us all that girls in anime will always be better than girls in real life… Haha… Just kidding. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if some people out there think that way… *shifty eyes*

If you do watch just the beginning of the video, she does quote a member from the forums, which I kinda agree with. Anime Music Vidoes are a form of art, and that you can’t just cram your favourite anime, to your favourite song, and call it “The Best Video EVER”. Though on YouTube that may be the case, as long as everyone has the same taste as you, but I find that some of the best AMVs aren’t on YouTube, or, if they are, they’re tucked away, by people who do it mores a hobby, than for popularity. Though I do think that some users on “” are a little up themselves claiming that the site is only for people who make ‘real AMVs’. The Chiikaboom also notes that finding constructive criticism is very hard to find these days, and as a result, many aspiring editors aren’t able to improve as much as they potentially could. As she states in the video description, these days, what you’ll get as feedback is “this video sucks”, “anime sucks”, sync blows”, which may be true, but generally dissapointing and annoying… Some people have done AMAZING things with ‘crap anime’.

In regards to the actual music video, I give a lot of credit to Chiikaboom. There are A LOT of clips, which must of taken a fair while to put together. The whole sychronising to a somewhat… aggressive song that technically shouldn’t match what the footage is, it’s an amazingly flashy collaboration of girls, and a song that more suited to a blasting action video or something… I guess that’s why he did use a fair number of mahou-shoujo anime as well. I do feel that he was a little lazy at the end, once the footage with K-On! began. It felt more rushed, and the continual reuse of K-On! at the end just didn’t seem to make it very flowing from then on, as the rest of the video was a crazy combination of awesomeness from a variety of anime. Anyway, I still think that this is an AMV well deserving of a ‘Video of the Year’, which it didn’t get, but hey… Some people think otherwise.

Below is an embedded YouTube video, if you’re reading if from Facebook, then READ IT FROM MY ACTUAL BLOG! (But then why should I be importing my notes to Facebook then…?)

More Information
Creator – Chiikaboom
Video – Over 70… Visit link below for full list, or watch the video. Chances are, you’ve seen something from this before…
Music – “I’m Back” by Dope, and “Undead Undead” by Hollywood

Download/More Information –

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