Europe Trip 11-12 – When in Rome, do as the other tourists do!

Catching up on my Europe Posts… A bit of a chore to be honest… But being there three weeks ago means it’s still somewhat fresh but clearly beginning to miss a few bits and pieces…

To think tht just three weeks ago, I had some beautifully crisp weather with an unseasonably warm 5-15 degrees depending on where I was. And just a week after leaving, it plummets and transforms the place into a winter nightmare. And it forces the closure of a number of ancient attractions…

Continue reading Europe Trip 11-12 – When in Rome, do as the other tourists do!

Cosplayers of the Animania Festival – Sydney – September 2010

Okay, as promised, I’ve dumped a rather large gallery of the cosplayers for Animania 2010 in Sydney here, for you to enjoy.

I was truly gobsmacked by the amount of cosplayers and their performances this year, and just some of the elaboration of the costumes was amazing. How do you people have the time to do all that?!

Continue reading Cosplayers of the Animania Festival – Sydney – September 2010

Animania Festival – Sydney – September 2010

So, Animania is one of three major Anime, Manga and Japanese Culture Conventions/Festivals/whateveryouwanttocallthem, with SMASH! and Supanova being the other two. Animania spans over two days at the Sydney Technology Park, this time on September 11 and 12, and also earlier in the year, in March.

So, the following photos should basically give you an idea as to what the convention was like. If you’re looking for photos of the cosplayers at the event, they’re on this separate post.

Continue reading Animania Festival – Sydney – September 2010

Half an hour with Gummy Bears and a Rusty Nail

Hrmm… Random, I know, but hey… One of my friends brought a bag of gummy bears and I wanted to try and see if I could get some epic shots with them…

Though, these photos show that there’s still a lot I still have to learn about photography…

Continue reading Half an hour with Gummy Bears and a Rusty Nail

SMASH! – Anime and Manga Convention – 2010

As some of you may be aware, many of you may not be, SMASH! is an anime and manga convention held annually on the first weekend of August, traditionally held at the “Roundhouse” at the University if New South Wales. But, because of such large attendance numbers last year, they moved the venue to Town Hall, as well as having it only on the Saturday, instead of the weekend.

It’s late right, now, I’m tired and junk from a busy day out… Here are some of the photos so you can get a general idea of how things were, and at the very end, I’ve included some of my general thoughts about the convention.

And, sadly, I didn’t have the guts to cosplay anything…

If you are looking for photos of cosplayers, please visit one of my other posts.

Continue reading SMASH! – Anime and Manga Convention – 2010

The 17th Biennale Art Festival on Cockatoo Island – 17.07.2010

So, my friend Taylor invited me to go see the Biennale Art Festival on Cockatoo Island, and since work hadn’t rostered me on the day he planned on going, I thought I’d tag along, having not been to Cockatoo Island before, as well as to get to know my DSLR a bit more.

Continue reading The 17th Biennale Art Festival on Cockatoo Island – 17.07.2010

An excuse from doing my Food Tech Assignment…

*sigh* Yeah, I’m procrastinating from doing my Food Tech assignment and from studying for my maths test tomorrow. I spent six hours yesterday on the computer thinking about doing my Food Tech Assignment although I ended up not even starting it. I talked to Thomas some of that time and he could tell that I was bored… I hope to get something above 90% for my maths test but at the rate I’m going in terms of studying, I may not get 80%… Although I guess it can all depend on what questions are going to be in the test, but I can’t count on that. I’ll study after dinner =D

I created my DeviantART account a few days ago and lookie at my desktop screenie! Yeah, some of my friends have kinda questioned it and Daniel is/was confused as to whether I think they are really good and I hate them. Well, to clarify for you Daniel, even though I know you’re probably not reading this and that you won’t be anytime soon, Qantas IS actually really good (according to Skytrax) BUT I dislike Qantas. Bayden, if you’re reading this, STOP SAYING QANTAS OVER AND OVER AGAIN! I KNOW THEY’RE CRAP!!!! (Hmmm… that’s a little conflicting I know…) Anyway, I look forward to submitting some various arty things on my account soon.

I’ve become rather lazy when it comes to doing things right now. I’m supposed to be doing that Food Tech thing, studying for maths, working on website re-vamp (which involves learning Dreamweaver and Flash, which I haven’t learnt that well), finish watching the remainder of the 4 of 13 episodes of “Vampire Knight” and start watching “Death Note”, (It’s taken me 40 days to watch nine episodes of “Vampire Knight”…) do some more arty stuffs, write my part of the script for that Tournaments of Minds thing, and there a quite a few more things I’m still yet to do but haven’t been bothered to do yet. That website revamp is going very slowly just to let you know… 🙁 I need to start crossing these things off my list!