Cosplayers of the Animania Festival – Sydney – September 2010

Okay, as promised, I’ve dumped a rather large gallery of the cosplayers for Animania 2010 in Sydney here, for you to enjoy.

I was truly gobsmacked by the amount of cosplayers and their performances this year, and just some of the elaboration of the costumes was amazing. How do you people have the time to do all that?!

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Animania Festival – Sydney – September 2010

So, Animania is one of three major Anime, Manga and Japanese Culture Conventions/Festivals/whateveryouwanttocallthem, with SMASH! and Supanova being the other two. Animania spans over two days at the Sydney Technology Park, this time on September 11 and 12, and also earlier in the year, in March.

So, the following photos should basically give you an idea as to what the convention was like. If you’re looking for photos of the cosplayers at the event, they’re on this separate post.

Continue reading Animania Festival – Sydney – September 2010

SMASH! – Anime and Manga Convention 2010 – The Cosplayers

Okay, so here’s a gallery of a fair few cosplayers that I managed to take photos of. If you’re looking for what happened at SMASH in general, please read another post.

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SMASH! – Anime and Manga Convention – 2010

As some of you may be aware, many of you may not be, SMASH! is an anime and manga convention held annually on the first weekend of August, traditionally held at the “Roundhouse” at the University if New South Wales. But, because of such large attendance numbers last year, they moved the venue to Town Hall, as well as having it only on the Saturday, instead of the weekend.

It’s late right, now, I’m tired and junk from a busy day out… Here are some of the photos so you can get a general idea of how things were, and at the very end, I’ve included some of my general thoughts about the convention.

And, sadly, I didn’t have the guts to cosplay anything…

If you are looking for photos of cosplayers, please visit one of my other posts.

Continue reading SMASH! – Anime and Manga Convention – 2010