Alessandro MS-1i Headphones – Unboxing

My friend Geoff recently ordered himself a pair of Alessandro Music Series One (MS-1i) Headphones (the additional “i” extension refers to the revised 2009 version of the original MS-1 headphones) through me (taking advantage of the falling US Dollar), and they arrived at my place two days ago. I managed to open them, take a few photos, and do a bit of testing. I do like my high-quality audio, but I’m far from an audiophile, having relatively little experience with high-end equipment.

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General Entry – 15.10.2010

:: School Related
Phew… New term at school, incredibly busy, lots of work being done, organisation and catch-up. Despite getting a lowly 34% for my Prelim Exam for 3 Unit Maths, I’m having a go at doing 4 Units of Maths for my HSC… Which should be interesting… First lesson was simple enough, learning about “Complex Numbers” and “Iota” which, frankly, are magical concepts to me… Why didn’t they just teach us this back when we were in primary school? We were so much more gullible back then, we would have stuck with the idea and 4 unit maths would probably be so much easier than what it’s made out to be at the moment. XD

The results of my other tests weren’t very good for my standards… Generally hovering around the course average for all my subjects, which is somewhat worrying if I want to get an ATAR of 96 to get into Architecture in Uni…

Considering joining the Formal Committee after being nagged by the current members, (though particularly Shannon and Janice…) Am in talks with Leon about whether we want to join/plan to strike some form of deal. However, Leon and I have written ourselves down for the Yearbook Committee, which should be interesting…

:: Anime Related
Should be receiving confirmation e-mail for a ‘ready order’ for my Nanoha and Angel Beats Nendoroids as Leon’s release has been delayed to late December… O_o

Been watching “Bakuman” and “” as part of the Fall season of Anime. Both have been great so far and I’m loving all the references to ‘real anime and otakudom’ in “My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute”. I won’t be posting too much about them unless something incredibly notable comes up. Though my good friend Leon is keeping up with them and regularly posting his thoughts of some of the other anime that’s being shown this season on his blog.

:: Technology/Gadget Related
Windows Phone 7 has officially been launched and I am SO EXCITED!!! The land down under will be one of the first to officially get WP7 on October 21 with the release of the HTC Mozart, HTC Trophy, and the Samsung Omnia 7, being released on Telstra, Vodafone and Optus respectively.
Though, I’m super-eager to get my hands on a Dell Venue Pro, originally known as “Lightning” back when Engadget leaked the details in April. Sadly, there’s no official release date for it anywhere at the moment, and the only carrier details are that it’ll be on T-Mobile in America.

My Shure SE420 Earphones (that I got in exchange for a continually breaking pair of Ultimate Ears Super.Fi 5 Extended Bass Earphones) have been sent in to get a frequency response check after the lack of bass in them finally led me to ask if there was a possible fault with my earphones… Will see how that goes.
Geoff ordered a pair of Alessandro MS-1 Headphones through me (taking advantage of the falling US Dollar), and they arrived yesterday. I managed to give them a test run and take a few photos of them before he came by to take them away, and I was rather impressed with how they sounded out of the box. I’ll do a more formal write up a little later.