It has been a rather slow week, generally uneventful in terms of the outside world. School, work… There’s been a lot going on in regards to politics here… But in terms of things that effect me directly, four maths tests spread over today, and the next few days. Should be fun.
I also received a to boxes from places I usually buy from. So more money down the drain…
I’m also trying to deal with a slightly shady Nigerian Buyer on eBay… O_o
Package 9 of ?:
Arrived – 18th June
Origin – Sydney Australia (Minidisc.com)
Value – $335 AUD
Contents: “Shure SE420 In-ear Monitors”
Package 10 of ?:
Arrived – 25th June
Origin – Tokyo, Japan (Amiami.com)
Value – ¥9397 JPY ($126.55 AUD)
Contents: “Nanoha Takamachi Nendoroid Plush”, “Fate Testarossa Nendoroid Plush”, “Angel Beats OP and ED First Release Limited Edition w/ DVD”
Continue reading Daily Life – 18.06 – 25.06.2010