Photo Diary – November-December 2012


It’s about an hour before the new year of 2013 begins here in Sydney… So I guess it’s time to write up the last post and photo diary of the year, as well as catch-up on the fact I didn’t post a November Photo Diary.

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A Short Trip to Adelaide


First of all, since this is post is being written on Christmas Day, I hope you’re all having/had a Merry Christmas! Now, my older sister’s in the South Australian city of Adelaide for a while for work, and so I thought I’d bay a quick visit since I’ve never been there before, so I flew over there to stay a night. See what Australia’s 5th most populated city has to offer. (Forgive me if this post is a little unstructured…)

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Photo Diary – October 2012


Ah, again another busy month, University requirements are much more than I’m used to right now, but that’s after an incredibly lazy first semester. Aside, from that, I’ve been eating, socialising, changing and breaking things which is both annoying and fun at the same time. Not a long post for this entry.

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Photo Diary – August-September 2012


It’s the season of Spring now! You know what that means? Crazy unpredictable weather, pollen and bees! Yay!!! But aside from those minor annoyances, it’s also the season associated with new life, and this rings true for a few of my friends who have made some relatively significant strides in their lives over the past two months, and I’m incredibly excited for them. =)

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Photo Diary – July 2012


Another crazy month. Being mid-year university break, much of the entire month is spent slaving at my part-time job, or going to meet-ups to meet friends old and new, some by coincidence, most by near last minute organisation. Most of them involved food/coffee so this Photo Diary contains quite a few pieces of food and drink.

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