Wow, Daniel actually wanted a post about this, so here it is… I’m pretty sure Thomas, Bayden and Cameron will be disappointed with the contents of this post, but heh, I’m not good with insults or anything like that. So anyway, when they were in Hong Kong, from what I’ve heard, Daniel has been “spending some time” with a girl called Georgia. (Georgia, if you ever read this blog, I hope you don’t mind) Anyway, so, there’s been this kind of “running joke” that Daniel loves Georgia… So, really, Tuesday was “Make fun of Daniel Day!” Heh, and Daniel even wanted me to write a blog post about it. Pfft. He has nooooo life… Daniel has a lot to learn in life.
Daniel won’t admit that he likes Georgia… He spends most of his time denying it. Although to us, it seems rather “blatantly obvious” at the way he reacts and “spends time” with her. Thomas, Cameron and Bayden have been spending much of their time making fun of him, with all sorts of jokes. Because “I am such a nice guy”, I try to minimize my level of “making fun of”. Tehehe, Although making fun of people is fun. I think the main reason he’s rather stupid is because he doesn’t read my blog. I mean come on! READ MY BLOODY BLOG DANIEL! LEARN TO BLOODY READ MY BLOG! Oh, and recently, I got me a Facebook account. (Don’t like MySpace, but don’t like Facebook either. I prefer not to have those kinds of “social internet sites”. Hehe, we love bagging him out even when he’s not at school. Oh, and he hasn’t checked out any of his “friends” Facebook pages. Damn he’s selfish! Heh! He keeps on claiming he has a life! HAHAHA! Yeah, he’s going to Germany for a year to desert his friends. How very nice, and social of him. *sarcastically* Yeah. He has a life… *end of sarcasm* Oh, Daniel’s hilarious! More hilarious than Qantas really…
Okay, so this is how stupid he is. Okay, well, today, he “decided to read my blog”. So, he tried typing in the web address for it. He doesn’t know the web address. Once he finally figured out that it was “cpblog” he added on the “.freehostia” to it. Pressed Enter, and he gets an error. He’s like “WHAT?!” It took him a while to realise that he didn’t add the “.com” to the web address. WHO DOESN’T ADD A “.com” AT THE END OF A WEB ADDRESS!?!?!? GOD HE IS STUPID! And then, once my blog loads, he asks “Okay, where do I find your most recent posts?”. DO YOU HAVE ANY SORT OF INTELLIGENCE DANIEL!?!?! OH MY GOD! COME ON DANIEL! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?! READ MY BLOG DANIEL! What’s the chance he will actually read this post? Gosh, no wonder he doesn’t know anything! Good luck Daniel!
roger…i’m actually reading it…shock horror!!!!
boberts etc..are so kind aren’t they…and have no life
btw i have looked at other facebook pages thanks…and not just georgias…
Holy Crap! What the hell are you doing here Daniel!?!?!