Yes, I know, a long while since I’ve posted something on either of my blogs, but *sigh* I can’t seem to find my Cretive ZEN Stone… I haven’t been able to find it since I got back from Tassie. Speaking of Tassie, that blog post will be written write after I finish writing this one. Anyway, I had my stone on the way back from Tassie. I was listening to it on my bus ride home. Then, when I got home, *poof*! Where’s my pure st-pwnage? I did manage to pick me up a super cheap, brand new, black Samsung S2 (a.ka. the “pebble”) and I will say that it is nice, but all the features on it just seem too hard to use on a frequent basis. I could go on about it for a while, but I will say this, the ZEN Stone is much better than the S2 Pebble. *cries* Where is my Stone? I think the Pebble is a sign that I should move on from Creative and over to Samsung. I do plan to get their P3 remember?
Speaking of Creative, you know that Universal Adaptor that I sent in to get fixed under warranty? And how it got lost somewhere down the track of it being transported to Creative? Well, after 59 days of it gone missing, and discussing the issue with Creative over the past months, guess what arrived for me yesterday? Creative sent me a brand new replacement model! =D Thank You Creative Labs! Although it took way longer than it needed to, I did eventually get something back. So, I’m satisfied I guess. But I do feel a little bad that if it wasn’t Creative’s fault, that they just sent me something out of their very small cashpool… Hmm… Creative really hasn’t done much these months since CES 2009 in early Feb… Wonder what they’re up to…
Anyway, money is stupid… I went to the Easter Show with Arlyn and Nick (Food Tech Nick) and I wil say the day was kinda eventful… First of all, on the train to the show, since I was going to meet them on the train, Nick texted me that he was on the second carriage. Goddamn you’re a sped Nick!! Learn to count!!! It’s an 8 car train. It’s divided into two parts, the front four, and the last four. YOU WERE IN THE FIFTH CARRIAGE! That’s 4 carriages in front, and 3 behind you. HOW DO YOU SEE THAT AS SECOND?!?!?! Sped… Anyway, apart from spending $15 dollars trying to get a plush husky, and having a person on board a ride drops small bits of vomit fall right in front of you (luckily not hitting you), it was fun-ish… I *only* managed to spend $70 there, and only spent $6 on a showbag (Bertie Beetle FTW!). We ran into Bayden a few times, and I know that Hugh was there but we never met up.
Last weeks tippings! Hahaha, let’s see how I went! I believe I did pick 6 of 8 in the NRL, Hursh cheated and managed to pick 7 (cheated as in told me his picks on Saturday), and so it looks like Hursh and I are even. AFL? 6 of 8 again… So not a bad round of tipping, and again, never would have picked the winners of Horse Racing for Derby Day…
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