Ah… so… with school starting again… my summer holidays are over… There wasn’t enough time… Even though I had 6 weeks, those six weeks just flew right-by for me… Unlike most people, I found I was never “bored” during the holidays. I always seemed to have something to do… and time to waste… As a result, many of my “planned goals” for the Summer were not accomplished… But that’s not saying I was dissapointed with how I spent my time. In fact, far from it… One of the best holidays I’ve had I believe. And I guess I can thank it all because of Facebook… XD
Anyway, as normal, I like to do some number crunching!
> Overall money-wise damage – $1455
> Approx 82? Hours of work.
> Number of outings – 15 minimum (I’ve lost count…)
> Number of outings to city – 6 minimum
> Number of “Poker Days” attended – 4 (from a possible 5/6)
> Total spent on Public Transport – $50 minimum
> 8 blog posts, 35 tweets.
> Only 1 movie… (Along with 5 Harry Potter)
So… from my “goals for Summer of 2010” post, there are many “fails”, but many “passes” too. I mean… I knew my $1000 budget was going to be blown, but how much over $1000 was a different question… To think that my most expensive item purchased was a Canon Powershot SX200 IS Camera at $340… The next “largest” purchase was a Higurashi figure of Rika made by WAVE from YesAsia at $126AUD and that is still yet to be shipped. That leaves most of the remaining money spent thanks to outings as I don’t have that much “physical” evidence of where my money has gone… Also, I was unable to break-even my earnings from work, to how much I’ve spent. My parents were willing to buy me new stuff for my room, which resulted in a new bed, bookshelf, and desk. Which I appreciate very much! I have more places to put stuff! =P
Bayden organised a night of pure-awesomeness with a Harry Potter Marathon! All the movies, to date, comfortably fit from dusk to dawn… It only being the 2nd time I’ve pulled an ‘all nighter’… He invited a fair few of us… Tehehehe… We made so many… inappropriate jokes it was funny… And lack of sleep makes your mind go a little crazier than normal… meaning that I laughed any moment where a sexual connotation could have been made… Which eventually grew… annoying… even for me… but hey, that’s what happens when I’m tired/sleep deprived. Menawhile, “Avatar” was the only “now showing” movie I was able to find the time/people to watch (with) during the holidays… I still want to watch Sherlock Holmes… The others can wait, but I would have liked to have seen them… “How I Met Your Mother” aired it’s 100th episode and I managed to see that. Nothing suits me like a suit! “The Mentalist” continued to be awesome and fun as always!
Haha… Ah… Bevan… I feel sorry for you… having to deal with my spurts of obsessiveness… I’m sorry… But even saying that… I still want to kill you… I mean… geez! I give you Nanoha and CLANNAD… With the thought that I will “be able to watch along with you” and but no… Before I find the time to start any of them, you just go and finish them!!! And then go on about it in a way that I can only feel super-ridiculously jealous like you wouldn’t believe… I’m a little too obsessive when it comes to specific anime (characters)… Once again, I was unable to cross of Code Geass off my watch list because I DON’T SEEM TO HAVE THE TIME TO! I was unable to finish neither Nanoha or CLANNAD in time for school! I was at least proud to re-watch Kanon again! ^_^ *sigh*… It’s just so… beautiful… Umineko ended so I managed to keep up with it, and with Ookami starting, I’m upto date with that thankfully… But… I wish I had as much spare time as Bevan and Martin did in regards to finding time to watch Anime…
So, yeah, with camera bought… That was really the only gadget I eneded up buying this holidays… I mean, I did buy a Cowon E2 as planned. But in terms of a netbook/laptop… That’ll be bought definitely, sometime within the next three months, in addition to a new portable media player/phone. I did manage to play around with an Archos 5 Android, as well as a ZEN X-fi2, and can I just say… that Creative… you really need to release something “good”. I can’t take the X-fi2 seriously… Even from a really cheap price point, it’s still a very mediocre piece of hardware, and it’s touchscreen is just below standard… The Archos 5 however, I was impressed with. It’s touch screen is of good standard, and since my sister is in America at the moment, I may get her to buy me one, as it’s much cheaper over there. Anyway… time will tell…
I did manage to finnally buy my one website domain name! (As you can probably tell… as long as you’re not reading this via Facebook’s notes… As for “content”… That’s still a little sketchy at the moment… I haven’t spent that much time on “content”, nor have I made a firm decision on what I’m going to use this website for… I’m sure I’ll think of something… At the moment, I’m thinking of making it a site for stuff related to Anime… but we shall see… I did manage to create one Anime Music Video over the holidays… It was more experimental than anything else… I’ll be writing a blog post about it, and I link it when I find the time to… It is an Umineko AMV by the way… and it was made in-between CES news… hence… it’s a little scrappy here and there…
Hmmm… In regards to fishing… I still want to go fishing… we didn’t really end up going fishing… but we did sort of… When we went to Cameron’s place to play poker, and when Ethan commandeered one of Cameron’s boat… We did some… “fishing” of sorts… not really… essentially, we just stuck random bits of beef-jerky or cheese-and-bacon balls to hooks, attatched to fishing wire, and then placed it in the water… Hoping that we could get a bite… =P It was a nice try…
I’m going to end my blog post here, as I pass the 1000 word mark… A lot more happened during these holidays, and I’m a little too lazy to write them here… Also, my memory is a little hazy as to where I went, and what I did… (that sounds as though I took drugs or alcohol doesn’t it? …) But those above are what I can remember off the top of my head, so… Anyway… Twas a fun holidays.
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